Rapp Trans

Apr 08 in Case study

Client:  Rapp Trans
Requirement: On-Premise Exchange Migration to Office 365

Protec provided support for the on-premise Exchange environment at the client site for a number of years. The change in business setup and client needs drove a request for a cloud based email platform. The chosen solution was required to be easily scalable for fluctuating user count. Additional requirements were, the data must be hosted in the UK and protected by SSL encryption for secure email transit between Rapp Trans and their clients and providers.


What we delivered

Migrate on premise Microsoft Exchange 2007 to the Microsoft Office 365 platform. Hassle free transition with minimum downtime.

Protec performed a technical feasibility study and on possible providers. The decision was made to use Microsofts own hosted Exchange platform (Office 365 for Business).

Protec worked with Rapp Trans to plan the project and set out timelines, this allowed for a hassle free migration with minimum downtime. The project was delivered over a weekend allowing for minimum disruption. Throughout the migration Outlook Web Access was provided to historical email, along with access to the platform for current inbound mail was provided to ensure the continuation of email communication.



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